Okay, now that you have the undergarment awareness, let's start with the picture above. First, I must say, I hope this lady was working out, or coming from the gym, or doing some form of athletic activity because of the track pants. (That's another pet-peive I have when women wear jogging pants and their not jogging.) Nonetheless, with such pants she could have worn boy shorts(if she was working out) or a pair of thongs(if she was being casually lazy). The type pf panties that are worn depends on the outfit that will be worn over it. For slim-fitting trousers and skirts invest in some Spanx shapers. There are a vast array of choices, but I recommend Spanx because of the variety, sizes, comfort, and cleverness that goes into designing each piece.

So maybe we all can come together to end the tragic VPL crisis. Whenever you see it take place, just holla SPANX at the victim. You may get the evil stare, a few non-lady-like words,and/or perhaps a slap, but at least you'll know you did your part to help the world not have to look at her "cottage cheese", too-tight, butt-cutting panties. The next lady will thank-you!!! As always, happy shopping!!!
Thanks Christian-Michaels for the Spanx recommendation!