French Luxury "Gods" Hermes has resorted to breeding its own crocodiles on farms in Australia to try to meet demand for its leather bags. Customers sometimes have to wait several years for certain exotic-skin bags, which can be priced well over $50,000. It takes about three to four crocodiles to make one Birkin bag, so they are now breeding their own crocodiles. Customers are placed on waiting lists for years for these super-crafted, uber-priced investment pieces. The demand is too much of a challenge. I saw a feature on one of those discover, educational channels where one bag can take a week to make. Everything is hand crafted; from the actual cutting of the skins, to stitching, to hardware; and it's very tedious and nerve-wracking. Each worker, and it looked as if there were only a few in this gorgeous craft-shop, takes pride and care in their work and they wear white gloves when touching the finished product. The goal of Hermes is to produce around 3,000 crocodile bags a year. So as you can see, this is quite a demand for such an impeccable company; without losing the quality and craftsmanship in each item. On these Hermes crocodile farms, the crocs are kept apart in separate rooms to protect their skins from bites. (Wow, that's deep, for them only to be cut-up later...)
Let me know what you think of this story... How do you feel about the breeding of crocs just to make luxury bags? Do you think if Hermes hired and trained more workers, the demand would be met, the prices would go down, and the quality would get lost in the shuffle??? Hit me up and let me know how you feel??
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The way the economy is; handbags are not the main concern right now. This man should consider changing his prices.