Rihanna rocked them first; then Ciara> but of course it was my girl Bey who set it off and made people start talking!!! I'm talking about the Yves Saint Laurent "Caged Boot". Last year it was the YSL "Tribute" and all versions in between. This year it's the "Caged Boot" in its' short and tall versions. Other versions and accessories are also available.

These boots are in limited production(retail for $1590.00) and hard to find. However, I found them on sale, exclusively from YSL.com for $999.00. But better yet, I found a pair from Bebe on Ebay that are similar.

Bebe Ami Boot-retails for $198.00(sold-out company-wide) -$79.99 on Ebay...I received them today and they are so hottttt!!!!
However, I found these designer inspired shoes that will keep some extra funds in your purse and still have you looking ever-so-fly and hip!

These are available at Bakers. Price depends on color, also available in bronze.($59.99-74.99)
OMG!!! these boots are soooo hottttt!!! I'm glad that you found some economic priced shoes for us budget friendly girls. I went to Baker's shoes and every pair that I wanted to buy were not in my size; thereofre I'm going to visit the store in person.